Where Can You Sleep in a Castle, Ice Hotel & Monastery |5 Famous Hotels in Québec City

5 famous hotel in Quebec City

Quebec city visit lodging and hotel

Manoir D’Auteuil, Old Quebec City

Last March, we had the pleasure of hosting at our hotel, Michelle Marine, the amazing blogger behind Simplify Live Love.

During her trip to Quebec City, she made sure to explore every nook and cranny of the city, staying in five different hotels to truly experience what each one had to offer.

If you’re planning a trip to Quebec City, you won’t want to miss out on her blog post about the top 5 must-visit hotels in the area.

A big shoutout to Michelle for her kind review of Le Manoir D’Auteuil – this is one hotel you definitely won’t want to pass up!

Book your stay with us by clicking here or by calling us at 418.694.117